
Marks-50 Time-2 hrs.

Subject-English Language and Literature


1. This question paper is divided into three parts.

• Part-8

20 Marks

• Part-A 10 Marks

• Part-C 20 Marks

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

4. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Part A (Reading -10 Marks)

1. Read the passage given below carefully.


1. In this jet age, everyone is interested in making money. Thanks to the advancement in science and technology, these days life has become easier and more comfortable than earlier with a lot of domestic gadgets as well as instantaneous food recipes available in the market. This has resulted in making the people develop a mind-set to have anything immediately without waiting for even at the traffic signals. 2. Most of us want result quickly. We want to reach the top immediately and get worked up when

things go wrong. Perseverance and patience are forgotten words. We get upset, frustrated and

angry when a skill or activity requires us to put in a lot of effort and time. We get dejected and

want to give it up. Things should be easy.

3. Life is too short and there is not enough time to do all the things we want to. We tend to compare with others and get upset when they seem to be doing well and start believing God is being too kind to them and not to us. And so, we give up. But such thinking serves no purpose. For it doesn't solve the problem.

4. Success, real success and happiness come to those who have 'bread-making' attitude. I hope who are willing to knead the dough, wait for hours for it to rise only to punch it down and knead some more, wait for another couple of hours for it to rise again, then bake it before it is ready to be eaten. Nothing is instantaneous. For every endeavor-whether in the area of career, academics, music, sports relationships, physical fitness or even in spirituality-it is a long arduous journey.

5. We can get results only if we are willing to spend time, put in painstaking effort and have faith. If we don't accept this difficult but true fact of life, our lives will be far from being happy and fulfilling. For we may not make that extra effort which can change the course of life dramatically for our benefit.

6. However, if we just pause to analyse what we are doing, we will realise how much time we are wasting searching for such magical solutions which simply do not exist. We actually save time when we stop this futile search and accept the proven methods of treading the straight and narrow path however difficult it may seem initially.


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On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing

(1)........... been credited in the passage for our easier and more comfortable life.

(a) The policy makers (c) The scientists

(b) Science and technology (d) The government

(ii) According to the passage, choose the correct statement from the following.

(a) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things at their


(b) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things instantly

and fast.

(c) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in the mind set to have things slowly and patiently. 

(d) Advancement in science and technology has resulted in a give-up attitude.

(iii) Identify the way we save our time as advised by the author:

(a) We should be pro-active and seek blessings of our parents. 

(b) Before we start our day, we should visit our holy places

(c) We should stop searching for magical solutions to our problems.

(d) We should get up early in the morning.

(iv) Choose the prerequisites to get the desired results in life as per the passage.

(a) With perseverance and painstaking efforts

(b) With utmost faith in mutual understanding

(c) With deviated mind and fluctuations 

(d) By greasing the palms of others

(v) "Success, real success and happiness come to those who have a "bread-making attitude."

The 'bread-making attitude' tells that

(a) We should be absolutely inactive

(b) it requires a skill in household chores

(c) we should remain idle in order to taste success

(d) we should be a man of patience in order to taste success

(vi) Nothing in life is instantaneous. Choose the word that can replace the underlined word in the context

(a) Short-lived

(b) Expeditious (d) Longterm

(c) Delayed

(vii) Selects the options that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph 3. Thomas: I've done so many efforts but even then I couldn't pass the exam. Look at Jonita!

She didn't even study hard but still she made it. I feel God is partial sometimes. Tia: Don't be sad Thomas. Just remember, we should.

(a) not let this happen again

(b) focus on how others are doing

(c) not expect God to help us

(d) never compare ourselves with others


by the

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(viii) Select the best option from the following that can help us reach the top in life.

(a) Perseverance and patience 

(b) Science and technology

(c) Dejection and frustration.

(d) Analysis and magical solution

(ix) The author has stated the example of 'bread-making attitude to make us

(a) generous 

(b) benefactor

(c) tolerant.

(d) benevolent

(x) Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.

(a) "It always seems impossible until it is done."-Nelson Mandela 

(b) "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."-Winston Churchill

(c) "A bend in the road is not the end of the road.... unless you fail to make the turn."-Helen Keller

(d) "It's always too soon to quit!"--Norman Vincent Peale

Part - B

Literature (Beehive + Moments) 20 Marks

2. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

(1x5=5 Marks)

They weren't even half finished when Margie's mother called, "Margiel School!"

Margie looked up. 'Not yet, mamma."

'Now!' said Mrs. Jones. 'And it's probably time for Tommy, too." Margie said to Tommy, "Can I read the book some more with you after school?"

"May be," he said nonchalantly. He walked away whistling, the dusty old book tucked beneath his arm. 

(i) How did Margie feel when she was called for school?

(a) Angry

(b) Excited

(b) Irritated

(d) Gloomy

(ii) Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are not true according to the given extract

1. The printed book interested Margie and Tommy. 

2. Tommy was kind and compassionate with Margie

3. Margie loved going to her school.

4. Tommy and Margie had mechanical school teachers.

5. The book that they were reading belonged to Margie's grandfather.

6. The book was about schools.

(a) 1,2,3

(b) 2,3,5

(c) 1,3,5

(d) 2,4,6

(iii) Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (0) of the students below. 

1. I think both Margie and Tommy like the idea of old schools.

2. I think Margie will hate going to the old kind of schools.

3. I think Tommy is not excited about reading.


Page 3 of 64. I think Tommy is arrogant.

(a) F-1,2 and 0-3,4

(b) F-2,3 and 0-1,4

(d) F-2,4 and 0-1,3

(c) F-4 and 0-1,2,3

(iv) Why was the book dusty and old?

(a) Because it was in the attic. (c) Because it was a rare place.

(v) The word 'nonchalantly' does not mean

(b) relaxed

(b) Because it was one of its kind.

(d) All of the above

(c) egoistic

(d) kind

(a) calm

3. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

(1 x 5 = 5 Marks)

The sound of the shehnai began to be considered auspicious. And for this reason it is still played in temples and is an indispensable component of any North Indian wedding. In the past, the shehnai was part of the naubat or traditional ensemble of nine instruments found at royal courts. Till recently it was used only in temples and weddings. The credit for bringing this instrument onto the classical stage goes to Ustad Bismillah Khan. 

(i) Who invented shehnai?

(a) A barber of a family of professional musicians

(b) Emperor Aurangzeb

(c) Ustad Bismillah Khan

(d) None of the above

(ii) Why was the sound of the shehnai begun to be considered auspicious?

(a) It has a melodious sound

(b) It has a shrill sound

(c) It was first played in King's court

(d) All of the above

(iii) Choose the word which corresponds with the word 'indispensable'.

(a) Essential

(b) Crucial

(c) Necessary

(d) All of the these

(iv) Choose the option which uses the word 'ensemble' as it is used in the above extract to

fill the gap.

(a) The goods will be sold for a... of their value in order to discharge the debt.

(b) These styles can be adapted to suit


(c) Matching bag and accessories provide a complete of colour coordinates. 

(d) I guess we have to trust him, but wish he'd stop going............ and confide in us.

(v) Why is Bismillah Khan credited for bringing shehnai onto the classical stage?

1. He made the shehnai famous and invented rags which were beyond the range of the shehnai..

2. He showed that Indian music is India's rich culture.

3. He became internationally renowned for playing shehnai.

(a) Only 1 is correct

(c) 2 and 3 are correct

(b) 1 and 2 are correct

(d) All of the above are correct

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4. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters, crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives, crumbling hearts

the wind god winnows and crushes them all.

(i) How does the poet describe the wind?

(a) Good

(b) Forgiving

(c) Hasty

(d) Cruel

(ii) Which of the following options use the word 'winnows' as it is used in the above extract?

(a) The committee will need to winnow out the non-sense and produce more practicalr oposals if it is to achieve results. 

(b) But as the word became increasingly winnow this ceased to be the case and we became more concerned at our apparent weakness. 

(c) Good relations are like needles of clock, they only meet for sometimes but always stay winnowed.

(d) If anyone else does the winnow, I will pay him a hundred imperials.

(iii) Why is the word 'crumbling' repeated in the extract?

(a) For no obvious reason.

(b) To improve the rhyming of the poem.

(c) To emphasise the destruction caused by the wind.

(d) To ignore the destruction caused by the wind.

(iv) "the wind god winnows and crushes them all" indicates that

(a) the weak always lose.

(b) only the strong remain in the world.

(c) the wind god is always powerful.

(d) the wind tests the courage of the people.

(v) The word in the extract that does not indicate destruction is

(a) crumbling

(b) crushes

(c) frail

(d) winnows

5. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier? (40-50 words) (2.5 Marks)

(Lost Child)

6. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents? (40-50 words)

(2.5 Marks)


Part - C

(20 Marks)


(10 Marks)

7. Your are Mehak. You participated in a play at the National School of Drama. It was recorded and telecast next week. Make a diary entry using the following clues in 100-150 words sharing your experience.

(5 Marks)

Great actors-experienced and senior-learnt a lot-waiting for the show to be telecast on TV

-excited-learnt controlled actions-playful practice.

8. Write a descriptive paragraph on a tree plantation drive organized in your school on World

Environment Day based on the clues given below.

(5 Marks)


Tree plantation drive-organized in coordination with an NGO-inaugurated by a noted environmentalist-every student planted sapling-principal and teachers also participated.



has not

the entire

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(10 Marks)

9. Fill in the blanks by choosing the suitable words from the options.

(1x5= 5 Marks)

(i) I don't think either of the supermarkets

e deel

has ent

........ open.

(a) was

(b) were

(c) have

(d) are:

(d) has

om of

In No



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after in

(ii) The women who went to the movie.


(a) is

(b) was

(c) were

(ii) Both the chemist shops) closed today.

(a) was

(b) is

(c) has

(iv) Some of the sugar

on the floor

(a) are

(b) were

(c) is

(v) A pencil and an eraser

..........writing easier.

(a) makes

(b) make

(c) making

(d) are

(d) have



(d) is making

(1x5=5 Marks)

10. Change the speech from direct to indirect of the following. 

(i) He says, "Switzerland is a haven on the Earth."

(ii) I said to my sister, "I brought you a doll yesterday."

(iii) She said to me, "How have you done this sum?"

(iv) The wolf said to the lamb, "Don't make the water muddy." 

(v) Neelam said to her mother, "Bring me a cup of coffee, please."



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