Read the passage carefully and write the answer flowing question


Sir! What do you expect from me? Is there any justification in your asking that I, in my capacity of a famous

Muslim ruler, should take you into my court? May be your request would have been reasonable if you had

imparted education to me in proper way. A student, who receives good education, should respect his teacher as

he respects his father. But, what have you taught me? Firstly, you taught saying that Europe means a small

island called Portugal, that the king of that country alone is great, in the next position is the king of Holland and

then comes the king of England. You also said the king of the France and Spain are like the petty rulers in our

country and that the King of Hindustan are greater than all those Kings, that they are the emperors who

conquered the whole world and the kings of Persia, Uzbek, Tartar, China, Eastern China, Pegu, Machina, will

shiver at the mere mentioning of the names of Hindustan kings. Ah! You have taught excellent history and

Geography, indeed! Instead, you should have taught me about the different countries in the world and their

varied interests, the strengths and weaknesses of those kings, their war strategies, their customs, religions,

Government policies, the advantages, History, progress, downfall, what disasters and blunders had led to great

changes and revolutions-you should have taught me all these things. I did not learn anything from you regarding

the great men, who established the Mughal empire. You did not teach me anything about their life histories. You

did not teach about the policies and the strategies that they followed to achieve glorious victories


 a Why does Aurangzeb refuse to admit his teacher into his court? 1

b. Why does Aurangzeb think that learning about the history of different countries, their strengths,

 and weaknesses is important for a ruler? 1

 c. Describe the tone of the letter writer. 1

d. Do you agree with Aurangzeb’s opinion of his teacher? Justify your answer by giving reason(s). 1

e. Paraphrase the given passage in your own words. 2


Write the answer flowing question 6

 a. What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

 b. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?

 c. How is Ausable different from other secret agents?

d.Why was the young seagull afraid?

e.What did the young seagull feel about his wings?

f.Between which animals would it be difficult to differentiate? 

Multiple choice question (MCQ) 3

1. What was the purpose behind calling paris Contral?

 (a) To know about air traffic (b) To know the direction of the route (c) To know the details about landing

2. On which date did Anne record the incident in Mr keesing’s class in her diary

 (a) 12 June, 1942 (b) 21 June, 1942 (c) 20 June, 1942

3. Max entered Ausable’s room through the……………..

 (a) balcony (b) main door (c) back door

4. How was Horace in his business of lock making

 (a) failure (b) very successful (c) not took interest

5.Why was the seagull exhausted?

(a) Due to running fast

(b) Due to strange exercise

(c) Due to Crying

(d) None of the Above

6.How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?

(a) He ignores them

(b) With a happy face

(c) With a sad face

(d) Proudly


 Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets: 2.5

a. He was tired and ...........asleep immediately. (fall, fell)

b. We shall go out as soon as you ....... ready. (are, were)

c. She said she would go on knitting as long as she ......... on the chair. (has been sitting, was


d. He died after he .......... ill a long time. (has been, had been)

e. He ...... in the last war. (has been killed, was killed)

 Make correct sentences with the suitable forms of the verbs given in brackets: 2.5

 a. The baby (cry) because it is hungry now.

 b. When I went out in the morning, my little sister (sleep).

 c. I (wait) here for my friend since 5 o'clock.

 d. If you (go) there, you would have met him.

 e. I (see) the Taj Mahal and know how beautiful it is

 Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms: 2.5

 a. The boy jumped off the bus while it (move).

 b. I (not see) him since yesterday.

 c. lt is time we(return)home.

 d. He will not meet me if he (come) tomorrow.