An idiom is a pharase where the combination of words has a different meaning from the dictionary meaning of the individiual words. It does not follow the rules of gammar. 


A short saying or sentence that generally convey meaning differnt from what is simply indicated by the words themselves. 


A bitter pill. ___ a situation that is unpleasant but must be accepted.

A drop in the bucket ____ A very small part of something big or whole.

Add fuel to fire ____ To do something to make a bad sitiuation even worse than it.

All bark but no bite ___ When someone is threatening but not willing to engage in fight. 

All in the same boat ___ When everyone is facing the same challange.

Apple of my eye _____ Someone who is cherished above all.

All that glitters is not gold ___ Appearance can be deceptive.

All's well that ends well _____ There is solution of everything even if there is doubt. 

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy ____ Everybody needs a certain amount of relaxation.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away_____ A small preventive treatment wards off serious problem away. 

A burnt child dreads the fire ____ A bad experience will make people stay away from certain things.

A ower blooms more than once ___ If you miss an occasion, you can avail of it another time.

An idle mind is a devil's workshop ___ When you have to do nothing , you get a chance to think useless things.

A friend in need is a friend indeed ____ Someone who is with you even when you are in trouble is a true friend.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. ____ If a person keeps moving from place to place, he gains neither friends nor possessions. 

As you sow, so you reap ___ You have to accept the consequences of your action.

Bad news travells fast ___ people tend to circulate bad news very quickly.

Barking up the wrong side of tree ___ Looking in the wrong place. 

Better late than never ____ It's better to do something, even if it's late than nnot to do it at all.

Birds of feather flock together ____ People of the sort are usually found together.

Bite your tongue ____ To avoid talking.

BreaK a leg___ A saying from theatre that means '' Good luck''

Burn the midnight oil ___ To work late into night.

Cleanliness is next to goodliness.___ A clean body is just as important as a pure soul. 

Cock and Bull story ___ An unbelievable tale .

Couch potato ___ A lazy person

Cry over spilt milk____ When you complaint about a loss from the past.

Don't judge a book by its cover ___ Don't judge by appearance. 

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched .___ You must not be too confident that something will be successful.

Drink like a fish ___ to drink very heavily

Empty vessels make the most noise. ___ The least intelligent people are often the most talkative or noisy.

Every cloud has a silver lining ___ There is positive or hopeful side to every unpleasant situation. 

Every path has its puddle ___ progress is rarely without difficulty .

Fit as a fiddle ___ In good physical health

From A to Z ____ Covering a complete range 

Good samaritan ____ Someone who helps others when they are in need,with no desire for compensation and no thought of a reward.

Graveyard shift ___ Working hours from about 12:00 am to 8:00 am. The time of the day when most other people are sleeping.

Great minds think alike. ___ Intelligent people think like one another.

Half a loaf is better than none ___ You should be grateful for something even if it is not as much as you wanted.

Have a blast ___ To have a good time or to enjoy oneself 

Hit the nail on the head ___ To do somethinng perfectly or say something exactly right .

Hold your horses ____ keep patient. 

It two ride a house, one must ride behind.___ when two peole do something together, one will be the leader and the other must follow.

Justice delayed is justice denied ____ It the law is applied too late, there is no justice . 

Keep an eye on him ____ You should careful watch him.

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg. ___ Destroy something that would be a source of wealth. 

Last but not least. ___ An introduction phrase to let the audience know that the last person mentioned is less important than those introduced before him or her . 

Learn to walk before you run ___ Don't rush into doing something until you know how to do it .

Lend me your ear ____ politely ask someone's full attention . 

Let by gones be by gones ___ Let's forgive and forget past quarrels. 

Let the cat out of the bag ___ To reveal secret

Look before you leap ____ Consider possible consequences before taking an action.

Man proposes, God disposes ___ Our destiny depends on God's will.

Many hands make light work ___ Sharing work makes work easier. 

Money does not grow on tree ___ You should not waste money because it is not plentiful and does not come easily. 

Money is the root of all evil. ____ Money is the main cause of wrong doings and problems.

Neccessity is the mother of all invention. ____ Need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining it. 

No man can serve two masters. ___ It's impossible to follow instructions from two different sources. 

No news is a good news. ___ Since we have no information, we can assume that all is well. 

On the same page ___ When multiple people are agree on the same thing . 

Out of the blue ___ Something that suddenly and unexpectedly occurs. 

Out of sight , out of mind. _____ We tend to forget people who are absent . 

Pick up your ears ____ Listen carefully. 

Pig out ____ To eat a lot and eat it quickly. 

Practice makes perfect ___ By constantly practising, you will become better. 

Pulling your leg. ___ Tricking someone as a joke. 

Raining cats and dogs ___ A very loud and noisy rainstorm. 

Rome was not built in a day ___ Progress does not happen suddenly. 

The early bird catches the worm. ___ If you want to do something successfully. 

The ball is in your court. ___ It is someone's turn to make the decision. 

Where there is will there is a way ___ A person with determination will find a way. 

Underr the weather ___ feeling ill or sick. 

Use your loaf ____ Use your head. Thik smart. 

Water under bridge ___ Anything from the past that isn't significant or important anyone . 

When it rains, It pours.___ Since it rarely rains whin it does , it will be a huge storm.