[A]. Based on Simple present tense .

1. He helps the poor.

2. I know her.

3. Veena does not sing a song.

4. Who teaches you physics. 

5. We expect good news. 

6. Everyone does his work .

7. What do you want?

8. My father sends him five hundred rupees every month. 

9. Your shopkeeper sells a special type of coffee.

10. The rich hate the poor.

11. I don't know the reason of his admission. 

12. Does he help his wife?

13. The teacher teaches you English.

14. This pot contains ink.

15. My elder brother manages the house. 

16. The farmer grows wheat in his field. 

17. Do all the students bring their books?

18. What does she do?

19. The police look into the case.

20. Why do you not finish your homework?

21. The postman delivers the letters.

22. The boys play cricket.

23. He does not make a noise.

24. Why do you not help me?

25. Does the gardener water the plant. 

[B]. Based on Present continuous tense.

1. Veena is cooking the dinner. 

2. The girls are learning their lesson. 

3. The students are writing letters to their parents.

4.She is telling a lie. 

5. The gardener is plucking the flowers. 

6. Mukesh is driving a motorcar.

7. The children are flying kites.

8. Is Mr. Prasad reading the Ramayan. 

9. Why are you wasting your time?

10. That mechanic is repairing the car.

11. The workers are cutting down the trees. 

12. Are these people beating the ball.

13. The tailor is sewing the clothes. 

14. Who is sending you these things?

15. Is the mansion building the apartment?

16. This man is speaking the truth. 

17. Who is laughing at the beggar?

18. The milkman is milking the buffalo.

19. The farmer is not ploughing the field. 

20.What is Veena doing?  

21. The peon is ringing the bell. 

22. Why is she cooking the food?

23. How is he solving the sums?

24. They are picking some flowers.

25. We are solving the problems.

[C.] Based on present perfect tense.

1. He has read the Upnishad. 

2. The servent has done his duty.

3. Someone has stolen her goat.

4. Bhavana has broken this glass.

5. Have you ever seen a tiger?

6. Why has Binay not completed his work?

7. Who has stolen her purse?

8. These boys have eaten all the mangoes.

9. Has he written this book?

10. She has lent me twenty rupees.

11. They have spent all money.

12. Have you taken your meal?

13. He has not informed his parents yet.

14. How has he done it?

15. Why has the man sent for the doctor?

16. I have invited him to the party. 

17. You have not read the Gita.

18. The mad dog has bitten this man.

19. Have you not answered all the questions?

20. Mr. Jha has sold the house. 

21. Australia has won the T.V.S. cup.

22. The maidservent has already washed the plates. 

23. The terrorists have exploded the bomb.

24. The magistrate has sent him to jail. 

25. They have invited me to the party. 

[D] Based on past tense. 

1. She stole her purse.

2. Sudhir jee employed ten men. 

3. He did not aim at hare. 

4. Did he not make a noise?

5. Did she not tell a lie?

6. He replied to all the questions. 

7. We refused them admission. 

8. She watched the T.V.

9. The judge forgave the criminal for his fault. 

10. Rahul painted this picture.

11. Nilu knitted the sweater.

12. Who taught you Mathematics?

13. Where did you buy this chair?

14. Why did the court punish him?

15. The dentist pulled out the two teeth of my mother.

16. The shopkeeper gave me two kilos of sugar.

17. My uncle taught me English in High school.

18. I refused his admission. 

19. Did he sweep the rooms?

20. The fisherman caught the fishes.

21. I gave him a book.

22. My grandmother told me a story. 

23. His father paid the school fees. 

24. Radha loved Krishna.

25. The servent watered the flowering plants.

[E] Baded on Past continuous tense.

1.The children were flying in sky.

2. The hunter was shooting the tiger. 

3. The milkman was milking the cow.

4. The boys were learning their lessons.

5. The peon was ringing the bell.

6. Were they doing their homework?

7. Why were they writing the letters?

8. He was knocking at the door. 

9. What was he doing ?

10. The children were making noise. 

11. The mechanics were repairing the car. 

12. The principal was giving away the prizes. 

13. She was drawing beautiful pictures.

14. Who was beating my daughter?

15. Were they throwing stones at the beggar?

16. Why was thge teacher not teaching the students.

17. She was writing a letter to her lover.

18. The girls were playing a football match.

19. He was answering the questions.

20. She was teaching the students.

21. The doctor was examining the patient.

22. The spectators were watching the match.

23. Was she writing a story ?

24. We were expecting good news.

25. His servent was sweeping the house.

[F] Based on past perfect tense.

1.The postman had delivered the letter.

2. They had made him chairman.

3. The bankers had already opened the gate. 

4. He had never visited Agra before.

5. I had finished my work my by 4 P.M.

6. He had already miss the train.

7. The cricketers had played two matches by 4 P.M.

8. Who had invited you to the party?

9. Why had you not prepared your lessons?

10. Nobody had done anything.

11. I had taught the students.

12. The boys had eaten the cakes.

13. He had informed me of the incident.

14. They had sold their oxen.

15. Mukesh had broken the glass. 

16. Somebody had stolen my handkerchief.

17. The director had warned the students to pay the fees. 

18. Nobody had answered the question.

19. The children had done their homework.

20. We had disturbed him.

21. How had you solved the problem?

22. The S.P. had arrested the robbers.

23. The father had punished his son.

24. The painter had painted the window.

25. He had made several mistakes.

[G] Based on simple future tense.

1. Mr. Thakur will teach you . 

2. He will help you. 

3. People will remember Gandhijee. 

4. The students will welcome the principal. 

5. My younger brother will blame me .

6. No one will do anything against me . 

7. The little girl will read the newspaper. 

8. Somebody will tease the dog.

9. Everyone will rember me. 

10. I shall do this work tomorrow. 

11. I shall discuss the matter the next day. 

12. The doctor will not admit the serious patients.

13. Will you give me some money?

14. Why will you write a letter. 

15. Which book will you read tomorrow. 

16. Who will do this work?

17. She will do her duty. 

18. The little boys will catch the birds.

19. Will you look after her?

20. Veena will meet me at Bishnupur.

21. The police will look into the matter.

22. The principal will not punish him. 

23. She will give me a mobile.

24. My father will visit us tomorrow.

25. The farmer will sow the seeds.


[H] Based on future perfect tense.

1. He will have planted a tree. 

2. He will have read the Mahabharata. 

3. She will have sold her necklace. 

4. Will you have written a letter?

5. The people will have bought some fruits.

6. The police will have caught the terrorists.

7. You will have cleared your account. 

8. Mr. Pathak will have met her son. 

9. The inspector will have inspected the spot.

10. The terrorist will have destroyed the city.

11. The girls will have plucked the flowers. 

12. Why will he have cheated me?

13. How shall I have finished this work? 

14. I shall have taught the students by tomorrow morning.

15. The judge will have forgiven the innocent. 

16. One will have done one's duty. 

17. Shall I have cast my vote in favour of BJP.

[Miscellaneous] change the following sentences into passive. 

1. The boy cannot lift this box.

2. We must help the poor.

3. India may win the match.

4. We should love our country.

5. One must do one's duty. 

6. The people may have known the truth. 

7. You should help your neighbour. 

8. I shall have bought a car. 

9. One should love one's country. 

10. My wife is to buy a scooter. 

11. Someone is to help the helpless. 

12. He has to do this work. 

13. The teacher has to distribute prizes among the students. 

14. The postman had to deliver the letters. 

15. the doctor was to examine to the patient. 

16. I was to buy some books. 

17. They switched off the light. 

18. The criminals cut down the telephone wire. 

19. A car ran over a child. 

20. I have to do this work. 

21. the rich often laugh at the poor. 

22. The police charged him with murder. 

23. We must take care of our health. 

24. Someone has stolen my handkerchief. 

25. The editor has to check the manuscripts. 

26. Her behaviour disgusts me. 

27. The glass contains milk. 

28. The news surprised me. 

29. Gardening interests my mother. 

30. I cannot please her. 

31. I know her. 

32. His behaviour amused us. 

33. His conduct amazed them. 

34. Shut the gate. 

35. obey your parents. 

36. Never tell a lie. 

37. Please bring me a glass of water.

38. Let him play the match. 

39. Don't starve the ox.

40. Don't hate the poor. 

41. Don't laugh at others. 

42. Carry out my orders. 

43. Please, help in her hour of need. 

44. The robbers cut down the electric wires. 

45.The counsil will discuss the matter.

46. People will elect him MLA.

47. The children will recite a poem.

48. Subhash plays the piano. 

49. She sings a song. 

50. The principal delivered a lecture.

51. Somebody has stolen my notebook. 

52. People all over the world know Bapu. 

53. someone has given her a gift. 

54. Nilu is flying a kite. 

55. The principal refused the students admittancel. 

56. Mr. Thakur teaches them english. 

57. His mother gave me a birthday present. 

58. Your parents gave you a good education. 

59. Mr. Khanna presented his daughter a new doll.

60. The gardener has watered the plants. 

61. Do it. 

62. Let us go for a picnic. 

63. Please, help me in this bad conditions. 

64. Is she reading a novel?

65. Where did you find this pen?

66. Binay objected to his proposal. 

67. People called Pandit Nehru,Chacha. 

68. It is time to take breakfast. 

69. Mr. Choudhary has submitted his thesis. 

70. We beleive that smoking is injurious to health. 

71. A bus knocked the boy down. 

72. The teacher noticed the students to complete their assignment. 

73. The management has closed the classes. 

74. The education minister opened the book fair. 

75. The mason is building the boundary wall. 

76. who taught you grammar?

77. Your habits make you slave. 

78. Don't insult the helpless. 

79. the jury found the prisoner guilty. 

80. They have sent the telegram. 

81. Who broke this chair?

82. They appointed him a governor. 

83. Somebody stole my book yesterday.

84. Your friend drank a whole barrel of whisky at the party. 

85. Somebody has broken the cups. 

86. People spesk English all over the world. 

87. We have warned them. 

88. We seitched off the light. 

89. Advertise these posts. 

90. The facts justified our actions. 

91. The flood has swept away many villages. 

92. Kalidas wrote Shakuntala.

93. Valmiki wrote the Ramayana. 

94. All laughed at her. 

95. Cats catch mice.

96. A stone stuck me on the road. 

97. Mr. Thakur gave me a book. 

98. Who did this work?

99. We painted the window red. 

100. Never deceive a friend.

Change the following sentences into Active voice.

1. My brother is helped by me. 

2. Let it be done. 

3. This book was brought here by Mukesh. 

4. A letter will be written by him. 

5. My book has been stolen. 

6. A song is sung by Sweta. 

7. The Harmonium is played by Azadcha. 

8. The terrorist have been caught by the police. 

9. By whom were you taught Russian. 

10. All my instruction have been carried out by you. 

11. You are known to all. 

12. The electric wire have been cut by the docoits.

13. You are wanted outside. 

14. A letter has to be written by him. 

15. The files were thrown away. 

16. Who was this book written by?

17. Let this letter be read. 

18. Everyone was satisfied with him.

19. Will this work be done by him. 

20. By whom will you be helped?

21. How was this journey liked by you?

22. This building was built last year.

23. Mangoes are being sold by him. 

24. By whom was this poem composed. 

25. The enemy has been defeated by our army. 

26. I was seen by his sister. 

27. She was chosen leader.

28. The steam-engine was invented by James Watt. 

29. The cat was killed by the dog. 

30. Honey is made by bees. 

31. The weak should not be insulated. 

32. The light has been put out. 

33. A reward was given to me by the headmaster. 

34. Promises should be kept. 

35. The speaker's speech is loudly cheered. 

36. Let the order be given. 

37. The door is opened by me. 

38. Good news is expected. 

39. Why should I be suspected by you. 

40. He was appointed gevernor. 

41. By whom was this done?

42. What has been done by him?

43. How much wheat is exported every year? 

44. Were they abused by her?

45. The poor should be helped. 

46. She is known to hard work. 

47. A week is made of seven days. 

48. Something should be sone by the government for us. 

49. It is time for the electric bill to be paid. 

50. The answer must be written in ink by you. 

51. I was recommended another lawyer. 

52. Many a person has been saved from the man-eaters by these hunters. 

53. You are requested to permit him. 


Change the following sentences into passive voice. 

1. The criminal looted the bank. 

2. Someone invited me to dinner. 

3. People speak Maithili all over Mithila. 

4. Mr. Mishra is putting the files in his shelf. 

5. The cobbler has repaired our shoes. 

6. Mr. Prasad is sketching the figure. 

7. The carpenter had bouhght an axe. 

8. The driver may drive the car. 

9. He asked me a question. 

10. Close the door at once. 

11. Love the children. 

12. Take your chair please. 

13. Kindly, read the Gita. 

14. Does computer store the data?

15. Have these students asked these questions?

16. Must you send the cheque by post?

17. What does he do in the office?

18. Which girl abused him? 

19. How do they solve the problem?

20. They have nothing to gain. 

21. There is no time to lose. 

22. Respect your teacher. 

23. Do this work. 

24. Please enter by this gate. 

25. Pay the room rent. 

26. Don't cheat the honest. 

27. Honour the patriot. 

28. It is time to accept the challenge. 

29. He likes the people to call him 'Netaji'

30. There is nothing to do. 

31. I ordered the servent to go out of the office. 

32. Let us work together. 

33. The teacher asked the students to come in time. 

34. Let him inform the police station. 

35. The director offered a chair to me. 

36. They did not elect him captain. 

37. I objected to her proposal. 

38. Mothers bring up children. 

39. He allowed me to come in. 

40. The police have locked the robber up. 

41. The news pleased him. 

42. The people claimed that the poor are exploited. 

43. We know that he has done this work. 

44. We feel that he does nothing. 

45. Have they to buy a car?

46. Who will not do this? 

47. The class teacher appointed him monitor. 

48. The boys caught the bird and killed it. 

49. I wrote a letter and posted it. 

50. some children did not attend the class. 

51. I did not trust you. 

52. Did he remember the date and time? 

53. The boys were digging the hole in the ground. 

54. We must now deal with these problem. 

55. The audience loudly cheered the leader's speech. 

56. Someone is following us. 

57. Someone broke the window. 

58. Must we cut this tree?

59. Didn't they tell you to be here by six o'clock.?

60. Don't touch the switch.

61. One can not gather grapes from thistles. 

62. They will have completed the work by the time we get there. 

63. You will have to pull down this sky-scraper as you have not. 

64. He has written a poem which fascinates everyone. 

65. Open the door.